

How gripping is the plot? Are the actors convincing? Does the film reflect the world we live in? These are the questions that the Euregio Young Jury asks itself during an intensive film festival week.

After a two-day workshop, the young jury views and evaluates feature and documentary films specially selected for them and awards the Euregio Young Jury Prize. This project was launched in 2016 by Helene Christanell in collaboration with the Euregio.

Students between the ages of 16 and 18 from South Tyrol, Tyrol and Trentino (3rd-5th grade upper school / 10th-13th grade school) who are interested in learning about the diverse areas of the film industry and the working methods of a film critic and who can argue enthusiastically about films can apply.

Young people interested in film write a letter of motivation explaining why they are interested in working on a film jury and make a personal statement about a film. An expert jury selects 9 jury members from the submissions, 3 from each region/province.

The students are accompanied by the two tutors Arnold Schnötzinger (Vienna) and Rita Maria Lupi (Bolzano) and by Irene Egger, pedagogical employee at the Bolzano Youth Service and film festival employee.

The Euregio YOUNG Jury is a project of the Bolzano Film Festival Bolzano, organised by the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino and supported by the pädagogischen Abteilung der Deutschen Bildungsdirektion and the Jugenddienst Bozen.

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Arnold Schnötzinger

Arnold Schnötzinger

He studied journalism and political science in Salzburg, specialising in audiovisual studies, since 1996 a permanent member of the editorial team of the Ö1 cultural department at ORF, specialising in film, since 2009 editorial director and presenter of the Ö1 film programme ‘Synchron’.

Rita Maria Lupi

Rita Maria Lupi

Long-time employee of the film club, former teacher for Italian L2 at various secondary schools in South Tyrol, former lecturer for Italian at the universities of Riga (LV) and Rostock (DE), where she organised and led didactic film series for students.